Peabody Family Home Furniture & Accessories Package

This home, a labor of love by a family who had spent just over 20 years envisioning its transformation, was already under construction when we were brought in to help refine and complete the design. With a fresh blank canvas already planned throughout the rooms, our role was to set the vision for the overall aesthetic and create furniture layouts and interior designs that would bring the space to life in a functional way for this large family. The result is a harmonious blend of a few of the family’s cherished pieces, like the dining room table and chairs and the rocket chairs in the front living room, paired with fresh, custom designs throughout the 4-bedroom home that helped blur the line between the traditional style of the home and the dining room pieces, and the more contemporary style they were hoping to infusion into the renovated spaces.

Every room reflects their dream, carefully curated to feel both timeless and contemporary, offering a perfect balance of comfort and style.

Gallery includes: All Photos from the final accessories installation and styling session


Annie de Castro
Owner and Design Principle

Lis Sartori
Design Associate / Final install & styling

Drone Home Media - Final Photography of the finished space